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  • Exam Related
    • Sitting for one or more exam (75% passing score required) – Actual Test Score(s)

  • Credentials Recognized (Cumulative)
    • Doctorate (Related Field)* – 100 points
    • MBA, MPA, JD, CPA (each) – 75 points
    • Other Graduate Degree (Related Field)* – 50 points
    • Other Graduate Degree (Unrelated Field) – 35 points
    • Undergraduate Degree (Related Field)* – 50 points
    • Undergraduate Degree (Unrelated Field) – 25 points
    • Associate Degree, Business College; or Vo-Tech Diploma (Related Field)* – 15 points

  • Experience (Points Per Year)
    • Chief Finance Officer (CFO) – 7 points
    • Division Head (e.g., Assistant CFO) – 5 points
    • Section Head (e.g., Chief Accountant) – 4 points
    • General Government Finance Experience – 2 points

  • Professional Involvement (Per Achievement, Cumulative)**
    • National Officer (1 time) – 50 points
    • National Representative (1 time) – 35 points
    • National Committee Member (1 time) – 25 points
    • Regional Officer or Representative (1 time) – 15 points
    • State Officer (10 points per year); max. 50 points in this category) – 10 points
    • State Committee Member*** – 5 points
      • Not concurrent with officer role in same organization;
      • 5 points per committee; maximum 25 points.
    • Certificate of Achievement Reviewer (1 time) – 35 points
    • Budget Award Reviewer (1 time) – 25 points
    • Popular Report Award Reviewer (1 time) – 10 points

    * Related Field = For example, degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or other business discipline.

    ** Professional Involvement = The following organizations may be included: GFOA of U.S. and Canada, GFOA of Louisiana, Louisiana Municipal Clerks Association, Secretary-Treasurer’s Organization of Police Jury Association, Louisiana Association of School Business Officials, Association of Government Accountants, Society of Louisiana CPA’S, and other approved government-finance-related national or state organizations.

    *** Committees must be GFOA-recognized professional government finance-related association or organization.